Operating in a high-stress, fast-paced environment today often pushes us to work through fatigue and neglect our well-being in the name of success and productivity. This relentless focus on output frequently causes us to lose sight of our core purpose, values, and the meaning behind our work. Ultimately, it only leads to exhaustion, which then impacts performance. How can we break this cycle?

In this article, Jeff Salzenstein, Former Professional Tennis Player, Keynote Speaker, and Success Coach, offers insights into how leaders can unlock their zone of excellence and consistently perform at their peak.

The Zone of Excellence framework is designed to help leaders achieve sustainable, high-impact performance by aligning three core components: mind, body, and soul.


Much of what holds leaders back isn’t skill or strategy, but rather unexamined, limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that can lead to self-sabotage and burnout. Around 90% of our daily thoughts are repeats from the previous day. This repetition reinforces existing beliefs, behaviors, and outcomes if left unchecked.

Negative thoughts are 4-7 times more powerful than positive ones, meaning one negative thought or comment can outweigh a positive one. Learn to challenge and reframe these limiting beliefs. Consciously choosing empowering thoughts allows leaders to break out of unproductive cycles, setting a foundation for resilience and confidence.

Like the kindergarten rule, counter one negative thought with five positive ones. This practice fosters a more positive internal dialogue and builds awareness of habitual thoughts and self-talk – the first step to making intentional mindset changes.


The body component of the Zone of Excellence framework emphasizes the critical role of physical well-being, rest, and recovery in achieving sustained peak performance. Just as athletes prioritize physical care to maintain high performance, leaders need to incorporate physical wellness and balance into their routines.

Movement is important, but it doesn’t have to be intense. Physical exhaustion isn’t a requirement for effective leadership. Regular physical activity promotes high energy levels and mental clarity. Incorporate movement, and don’t overlook the need for rest.

Leaders often neglect rest and recovery, pushing through fatigue in the name of productivity. But rest is essential. Prioritize high-quality sleep to ensure focus and clarity in decision-making, and take mindful breaks to recharge and renew energy.

Treat the body as an asset, as athletes do. Establish restful routines to ease the transition from daily stresses into a peaceful state. Practices like setting a consistent bedtime, limiting screen time before sleep, and optimizing the sleep environment (a cool, dark room) can support this shift.


Many leaders feel compelled to wear a “mask” to meet external expectations, creating a disconnect between their true selves and the image they project. However, sustainable success is achieved when leaders operate from authenticity, empathy, and purpose—not just for their own well-being but for the lasting benefit of those they lead and serve.

Stress, burnout, and disengagement often arise when leaders adopt a tough exterior, masking any vulnerability. This inauthentic approach often stems from a need for external validation. Leading sincerely and in alignment with core values is far more fulfilling than maintaining a tough facade.

Purpose-driven leaders operate from internal motivation rather than external pressure, inspiring loyalty, dedication, and creativity within their teams. So, be true to yourself as a leader and view your work as a form of service. Shift leadership from a stance of competition and ego to one of compassion and purpose.


The Zone of Excellence isn’t about achieving high performance at any cost. This framework recognizes that the mind needs clarity and resilience, requiring rewiring of limiting beliefs that hold you back. The body depends on rest and recovery, not endless caffeine-fueled marathons. And the soul is where authenticity and purpose reside, fueling a leadership that inspires loyalty and drives real change. 

When mind, body, and soul work in harmony, you’re not merely managing day-to-day tasks—you’re leading with strength, vision, and purpose—just like an ELITE athlete.

Hard work alone doesn’t fuel peak performance in leadership. In this interview, Ashish Kothari and Jeff Salzenstein, Former Professional Tennis Player, Keynote Speaker, and Success Coach, discuss the mind-body-soul approach to unlock your zone of excellence and transform your leadership.

Learn more about Jeff at his LinkedIn.

Listen to the podcast with Ashish and Jeff below.

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