In a world where people spend more time at work than anywhere else, the workplace plays a central role in many people’s lives. Therefore, a culture based on the well-being of the employees, where people feel connected and supported by peers, subordinates, and leaders is critical to increasing an organization’s effectiveness.

Our guest today uses games developed and designed by her as tools to identify, understand and practice character strengths at the workplace, at home and beyond.

Naomi Redel is a gamification strategist who’s helping coaching and consulting companies to harness collaborative emotional intelligence to increase their impact within clients’ organizations by designing and implementing gamified interactive systems. 

Serving in a variety of marketing management and business consulting positions, over the past 25 years, Naomi became acutely aware of the critical importance of maintaining a positive atmosphere as a key to accomplishing goals successfully. So, she decided to focus her efforts on the area of Positive Psychology and the inclusion of Positive Psychology theories and gamification into the world of business, society and education. 

In today’s episode, Naomi will explore the value of collective emotional intelligence, how we can enable it both as an individual or as a team, and how gamification can unlock so many benefits for all of us.

Listen now to learn about another way to make the practice of happiness easy and accessible anywhere and anytime!

What You’ll Learn in this Show:



Positive Turn Collaborative – Emotional Intelligence 

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Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life

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